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I'm Deb, and I'm excited to share, learn and grow together.
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In my latest audio blog, “Putting Yourself Out There”, I share why visibility and personal connections are so important. We focus so much energy on social media and traditional advertising, but what about the people we see every day? Do they know what we do and why we do it?
Putting Yourself Out There Final
[00:00:00] Hello, hello. Today I want to talk a little bit about putting yourself out there. That’s something that strikes a little bit of fear in most of us, I think, right? What does that actually mean? When I say putting yourself out there, what I’m really talking about is the fact that if you’re a business owner and you’re selling a product or a service, who knows about it?
[00:00:35] I think we all think we need to be spending all this time on social media, Maybe doing some traditional advertising. We’re always looking for ways to put ourselves in front of people in ways other than actually physically putting ourselves in front of people. The question I have for you today is do the people in your life, the ones you see all the time, do they know what you do?
[00:01:02] Do they know why you do it? Are they thinking of you when they run across somebody who is in the market for what you do? The reason I want to talk about this today is because even though I am very aware of the need for putting yourself out there, sometimes I find that I’m not doing it either. You know, I’m looking at the time I spend on social media.
[00:01:27] I’m trying to post regularly. I’m trying to be visible. I’m making sure my website is as up to date as I can, you know, make the time for. But, Do the people I see on a regular basis know what I’m doing? Not always. And that was driven home to me recently when I was at the gym that I go to four to five days a week and I am a regular.
[00:01:54] If there’s one thing you’ll know about me before long, if you don’t already, it’s that I am very much a creature of habit. I do. Very similar things on a regular basis. So I go to the same spin classes a couple of days a week. So I see the people that were in this room almost every week. And after class, I don’t even know what sparked the conversation, but I discovered that not only did the spin instructor have a business of her own.
[00:02:32] But she discovered that I did. We didn’t know that about each other. And it was so interesting because we found out that the businesses that we have are complimentary. There are things that I might be able to help her with. And there are things that she might be able to help me with. How crazy is that?
[00:02:54] In reality, it’s not so crazy at all. I think if we were to really pay attention. And start looking at what’s going on around us and who we’re talking to about our business and who we’re not, we’d be surprised. I think sometimes we find ourselves getting into that mode of, Oh, I don’t want to talk about my business because that’s going to sound like I’m bragging.
[00:03:17] That’s going to sound like I am selling to the people I run into. Yeah, that could happen depending on how you approach it. But. If you are consistently communicating with people just in casual, typical conversation and getting to know people around you and it doesn’t come up, that’s on you. You want to make sure that you’re talking to the people around you so that they do know about you.
[00:03:46] If you’re developing a relationship with somebody on a regular basis, you run into them all the time. First of all, if you don’t know their name, ask. I’ve been there. I will see the same people over and over again. And finally I’m like, okay, this is really crazy. And I hate that it took me this long to ask, but I see you all the time.
[00:04:05] What is your name? And then that opens up an even bigger door to conversations. You start connecting a little bit more personally, you start to learn about each other. And that includes talking about your business. That doesn’t mean you’re talking about your business in the hopes that you can turn them into a client right that moment.
[00:04:25] That’s not what I’m talking about, but I’m talking about the fact that if you have a business in your community or that serves people far and wide, it doesn’t matter what you do, let them know. Not only will that help them get to know you a little better and maybe how you tick and understand a little bit more about who you are.
[00:04:46] But if they happen to run across somebody, or they themselves need something that you offer, it will give you an opportunity. And that’s all we can ask for. We all know how hard it is to find new clients. So we need to start paying attention to those around us, and we need to do the same for those around us.
[00:05:08] So this isn’t a one way street. You can’t just go out looking for people to help you in your business. But also you want to be proactive in that effort. You know, ask people what they do so you can help them. There might be opportunities for collaborations. There might be opportunities for them to help you.
[00:05:29] There might be opportunities for you to refer them to somebody else. You know, who needs what they have to offer. The small business community is small and we’re all in this together and we’re all trying to Live that small business life, the American dream. So being able to help each other do it, to me, there’s nothing greater than that.
[00:05:53] I love helping small businesses. I love helping other small business owners thrive and grow and live the life of their dreams. You know, that’s what I talk about all the time. I want to help people get time back, but you know, beyond that, I want to connect with other people and find out who in the room is a small business owner.
[00:06:13] How can I help them? And conversely, maybe how can they help me down the road? But it’s not all about you. It’s not all about me. When we’re the ones talking to those people out in the community, let’s come at it from the standpoint of what can I do for you? How might I be able to help you? And we all know that that comes around many times, tenfold.
[00:06:35] Take care of others and you will also be taken care of. But again, the focus today is just to think about that. We spend so much time advertising, whether that’s through social media or other means, or finding ways to try to get business into our door. And we might be overlooking people that are right in front of us.
[00:06:58] So I want you to think about that when you’re at the gym, when you’re at the grocery store, when you’re at that favorite coffee shop that you go to five days a week. Engage a little bit more with those people that you see all the time. Learn something. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did. Thanks for listening.
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