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I'm Deb, and I'm excited to share, learn and grow together.
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Welcome to my new audio blog post, “Scaling your Business: The Importance of Effective Delegation and Systems“! Today, we dive into a fundamental, yet often overlooked aspect of business growth—how to effectively delegate and document processes within your business.
In this session, I discuss the importance of documenting your daily business operations to facilitate smoother transitions when you’re ready to outsource or bring on new team members. You’ll also learn about tools like Tango and Loom, which can help capture every step of your processes, ensuring that you’re not just teaching tasks, but empowering your team to understand and own their roles.
My goal is to equip you with the knowledge to not only survive the growing pains of scaling your business, but thrive through them. Listen in to explore how you can prepare your business for efficient scaling and meaningful delegation.
[00:00:17] Hello. Hello. This week. I want to talk about a workshop that I held that was for entrepreneurs who are looking to master their client inquiry process. That was the focus. And we talked all about, you know, how hard it is to get customers in the first place and why it’s so important to nurture and take care of the ones you have.
[00:00:38] Once they express interest in doing business with you, how important that is. And that was wonderful. And that was the subject. And it all started there. But what I really want to talk about today is how fantastic it was to be in a room communicating with other small business owners, talking about what’s going on with each other, helping each other, um, give each other ideas and just.
[00:01:02] Talking small business. You know, entrepreneurship is one of those things that can be isolating at times. And if you don’t have a good group of people around you who can support you and help you through the tough times, it can get depressing. I know I’ve talked to lots of people over the years who have fallen into that trap because they didn’t have someone to build them up, someone to help them brainstorm somebody to just say, it’s okay, it’ll get better.
[00:01:30] And so. That’s what I want to talk about today. It’s just community. You know, we did this in person, but you can create this community online as well. And I have a group of ladies that I’m in a mastermind with that we have built a phenomenal community online. We talk with each other all the time. We lift each other up in business.
[00:01:53] Things as well as personal life. So getting connected with somebody else who’s going through the same types of things on a daily basis that you are is so important and so needed. You know, sometimes our families or our friends, they’re not in business or not. They’re not in the same kind of business that we are, so they don’t understand.
[00:02:14] It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s not that they don’t care about us. It’s just that they’re not in the trenches. With us, they’re not understanding the same things. They don’t feel the same tugs on our hearts and our guts that we do. So what I want to do today is just to encourage you to find those people.
[00:02:34] Of course, I’m also going to talk about a group that I’ve started an online group. It’s on Facebook, at least at this point, and it’s called the small business success society, and I would love to have you join me there. The whole idea is. for creative entrepreneurs, small business owners to join that group and talk about everything business.
[00:02:55] You know, and for me, business encompasses life. I know I’ve talked about that in the past, but if you’re a small business owner, it is your life. You wake up in the morning thinking about it. You go to bed at night thinking about it. That doesn’t mean it needs to occupy every waking moment, but it’s a part of who you are.
[00:03:15] So you don’t stop being a small business owner on the weekend. You don’t stop being a small business owner at five o’clock. So joining a group and having other people who are in that same world is so critical and so helpful and just really is a great opportunity to help each other. So we’re going to talk about in that group, things that are, you know, technical aspects of business as well.
[00:03:42] It’s not all about mindset and personal development and how you feel it and how do you stop from, you know, getting overwhelmed and those sorts of things, but we’re going to talk about those too. So you guys know my background is small business operations, so I’m very technical in many respects, but I’m operations inclined.
[00:03:59] So, you know, we’ll talk about things like how do you handle your social media Posting, you know, do you need some tips and tricks on tools and systems and ways to tie things together? We’ll talk about that stuff. We’ll talk about, you know, how do you prep for your end if that’s what you’re interested in, but we’re also going to talk about the hard stuff that’s not business related.
[00:04:20] So I would love to build a community there where we can come together and support each other. And this workshop that I held in person this week just reinforced how important that is. And the group of ladies that came to this workshop were fantastic. And they all expressed how much this is needed, how important it was and how great it was to get together and talk about business.
[00:04:49] You know, we were not all in the same business. We don’t all run the same types of business, but there are things that are universal across the board. Whether you’re a landscaper, a massage therapist, a hairstylist, a realtor, a photographer, an insurance agent, you know, We all have the same struggles. If you’re in business for yourself, there are things that we all encounter.
[00:05:15] Now I’m talking about struggles. There are also some amazing benefits, and if there weren’t, we wouldn’t be in business. I mean, that’s the draw of small business is the opportunity for freedom, the opportunity to do things that you wouldn’t be able to do if you weren’t on your own as your own boss. But with that comes some struggles and some things that you know, everyone else in your life might not relate to.
[00:05:39] So that’s what it’s all about this week. One other thing I want to share is that one of the gals who came to the workshop on Tuesday night was younger, um, in her mid twenties. And the rest of us were a little bit older. I’ll speak for myself, a lot older. And one takeaway that she had And she was so kind to share it in a video testimonial basically after the fact was that you need to surround yourself with people who have gone before you.
[00:06:14] So in her case, she was talking about the fact that she was a 20 something and was in a room of people who were more experienced, had been in the trenches, had gone through things that were sharing wisdom with her. completely unintentionally. There were conversations happening in that room that brought lightbulb moments to her that were second nature to some of the rest of us.
[00:06:39] So they often say, you are the sum of the five people you hang around with the most. Now I’m not sure I 100 percent buy into that, but I do believe there’s something to that. And I do believe that if you want to grow. If you want to move forward, if you want to succeed in life, you need to surround yourself with people who can bring you up, people who are a step ahead of you, people who have gone there before and can help you navigate the way.
[00:07:09] If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re not going to grow. So, Again, encouragement for the week to find those like minded people who can help you get to where you want to go. I’d love to have you join my small business success society, the group on Facebook, there’ll be a link here so you can join that.
[00:07:28] But mostly I just wanted to express the Absolute joy. I walked away from that workshop with and an invigoration for how important this is and how much I want to be a part of putting that together for those of you who are interested, because I think it can be something that can help us all grow immensely.
[00:07:52] So I hope you’ll join me there and I hope you have a fantastic week. Thanks so much for listening.
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